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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Start Protecting Your Pictures by Making Digital Copies on Your Own

Pictures pretty much make up our lives in the way they replicate and capture how we have lived our lives in the past and present times. Pictures can also be used to capture and mark important dates and occasions such as birthdays, weddings, travel trips as well as other memorable events such as the birth of a child. These picture provide us with proof of how life used to be in the past, and how life evolves year after year. I guess that it is now easier to capture and organize photos with the existence of digital cameras instead of the old film cameras. Although it is easier to browse your pictures through your digital camera, it is also charming to be able to browse through old photos that are displayed in a photo album.
Thus it has become exceptionally important that you are able to protect pictures of yours, both your digital and analog photos so that you do not lose them, and so that they do not get destroyed. In terms of protection of photographs, the first thing that you would need to accomplish is to organize them properly. Plan of how you want to organize your photos first, for instance you might want to start with the newest pictures first and go back in time with the older pictures and place the oldest pictures last. How you want to arrange your pictures is totally up to you, thus decide wisely! Keep them safely organized on your hard drive, this would allow you to look for the pictures that you want to see in the shortest duration possible.
Digitizing your photos would also allow you to place all your pictures in a photo library or new folder within your hard drive, and this would make the act of protecting your images all the easier. Make sure that you remember where you save your images so that you can locate them easily in the future. And if you want to make digital duplicate photos, make sure that you have a good photo scanner with you. Having a good scanner is crucial so that you can obtain clear scanned copies of your images, the minimum would be 1200dpi if you asked me. The price of a decent scanner would be anything between $150 to $300, though you could obtain better one if you want to spend more.
And it is always advisable that you back up your images by storing the digital photo libraries in different locations, for instance within an external hard drive, or you could also burn them in DVDs or CDRs. Multiple back ups are good if you want to be really secure, and you would also be able to avoid having to scan all your images once again if you lose your data for the first round of scanning!
Remember, when you are scanning your physical pictures, the process might take a few hours or even a few days, depending on the amount of pictures that you have. The key is to scan them slowly without missing out on any images, organizing them properly, and backing them up securely. And you would be able to protect your photos effectively by digitizing them by following the above-mentioned tips. All the best!
If you are looking for the best photo scanner and best slide and negative scanner to scan and digitize photos, slides and negatives, visit cannerReviewsInfo.com.

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